Undertaking a significant transaction often means you have very specific requirements when it comes to escrow and settlement services, so we tailor our agreements to your specific transaction, ease the onboarding process, and assign a dedicated deal team to work with you end-to-end.
We’ll establish a separate third-party escrow account for your transaction, keeping your assets separate and ringfenced, thereby giving you essential peace of mind.
Our long-standing partnerships with top-tier financial institutions and our PSD2 license give you the comfort and certainty that we’re operating to the highest standards and your assets and data are secure. Vistra’s global presence also means that we are fully experienced in handling requirements with a cross-border element.
Why choose Vistra
When entering into an escrow or settlement arrangement, you need a partner you can trust. Vistra brings the following strengths to the relationship:
What do we offer?
Each and every transaction has its own characteristics, therefore we don’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Our end-to-end escrow and settlement services cover a wide range of requirements, and we have provided clients with payment security or settlement assurance for all kinds of purposes, including the handling of:
– different asset types
– large sums of money
– all major currencies
– multiple jurisdictions
– FX requirements
– high volumes of payments and payees
– specific due diligence and KYC requirements
In order to ease the setup process, we have model escrow agreements available or are happy to work with your standard agreements. Either way, we take an adaptable and flexible approach to ensure the right outcome for you.
Why Vistra for escrow and settlement services
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